Sunday, May 31, 2009

"War For Your Soul," a film that demands a dialogue

"War For Your Soul," is an independent 15 minute film created by Reginald Bullock. Mr. Bullock has been a high school and college educator for the last twenty years. His intent in the creation of this film was, "To empower mankind with spiritual and social change." Mr. Bullock's primary interest remains in helping out our youth.

This was sent to me by my daughter, Lori. She is the mother of two children of color and I am their Grandfather. I believe this film, albeit, painful because of its truth and its impact to our young people of color, needs to be seen by all of our people. Personal and institutional racism is not a people of color issue, but it is an issue that hurts us all. This film speaks to the residual impact to a country still stuck in a belief that this history is just that, history. Some would say we have to just forget about it, move on. But the film reminds us of the lives and dreams lost because conversations requiring us to face each other, across racial lines can't be held. They must. Space must be created to hear the stories, understand the cost to us as a community and as a nation and then action must be taken to address the reality that each of us own responsibility in the creation of a more inclusive community filled with hope and success. Our children and our children's children demand that we do so.

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