Sunday, May 31, 2009

"War For Your Soul," a film that demands a dialogue

"War For Your Soul," is an independent 15 minute film created by Reginald Bullock. Mr. Bullock has been a high school and college educator for the last twenty years. His intent in the creation of this film was, "To empower mankind with spiritual and social change." Mr. Bullock's primary interest remains in helping out our youth.

This was sent to me by my daughter, Lori. She is the mother of two children of color and I am their Grandfather. I believe this film, albeit, painful because of its truth and its impact to our young people of color, needs to be seen by all of our people. Personal and institutional racism is not a people of color issue, but it is an issue that hurts us all. This film speaks to the residual impact to a country still stuck in a belief that this history is just that, history. Some would say we have to just forget about it, move on. But the film reminds us of the lives and dreams lost because conversations requiring us to face each other, across racial lines can't be held. They must. Space must be created to hear the stories, understand the cost to us as a community and as a nation and then action must be taken to address the reality that each of us own responsibility in the creation of a more inclusive community filled with hope and success. Our children and our children's children demand that we do so.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Supreme Court nominee Judge Sonya Sotamayor as a racist?

The nomination of Judge Sonya Sotamayor, by President Obama, is monumental in several ways.  The first is that, as a nominee for the nation's highest court, she brings the greatest amount of judicial experience than any of our colleagues on the high court at the time of her nomination.  Secondly, as a Latina, she provides a voice for the fastest growing population of this great country.  

The rhetoric has begun as to whether this appointment, by the first African American President, was the best selection.  Criticism of her judicial prudence centers around a statement where she said she believes her experience as a a Latina enables her to reach a better conclusion than a "white male who hasn't lived that life."  Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, radio talk show host, Rush Limbaugh, among others,  have condemned those comments as "racist," for which she should withdraw her nomination.  

The great debate that will soon ensue requires those in power, with their privilege, both around skin color and gender, to confront each of these as a reality that leaves them stuck in a place of their own"dumbupness," as Robert Terry discussed in his "Parable of Ups and Downs."  Let's see how those, both as members of the dominate culture and those of the subordinate culture, navigate this conversation.  It won't be pretty, but it will be necessary.  Let's be clear...racism can not exist, where there is no privilege coupled with power.  Judge Sotomayor MAY be prejudice and I'm not certain that is true, but what I do believe is that she is not and can not be a racist.

Here is a commentary from the conservative site, World Net Daily.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Gay Rights Making Gains in UNC System HBCUs

Three years ago, Winston-Salem State University’s nondiscrimination policy didn’t include sexual orientation. Neither did those at most of the historically black colleges and universities in the UNC system. But today, four of the five public historically black colleges and universities, or HBCUs, including Winston-Salem State University, have policies that include sexual orientation.

The change is happening at a time when just in the past few months, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire and Connecticut have taken steps to legalize same-sex marriage.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Judy Shepard's Response to Rep. Foxx's Hoax Comment

During testimony regarding the passage of the Hate Crimes bill in the House, Rep. Foxx (R-NC) said the idea that Matthew Shepard's murder is a hate crime is a hoax. Judy Shepard, Matthew's mother, sat in the audience as Rep. Foxx, who voted against the bill, made her statement. How is it possible to be so disconnected from the reality of what is life and how is it possible such folks end up in places of power? Her opposition to this legislation stims from her dislike of LGBTQ people. My hope is that in the next election she will have to find other employment.

The following link is to Judy's interview with Rachel Maddow. Rachel also gives a clear explanation of the need for "Hate Crimes" legislation.