Saturday, May 2, 2009

Judy Shepard's Response to Rep. Foxx's Hoax Comment

During testimony regarding the passage of the Hate Crimes bill in the House, Rep. Foxx (R-NC) said the idea that Matthew Shepard's murder is a hate crime is a hoax. Judy Shepard, Matthew's mother, sat in the audience as Rep. Foxx, who voted against the bill, made her statement. How is it possible to be so disconnected from the reality of what is life and how is it possible such folks end up in places of power? Her opposition to this legislation stims from her dislike of LGBTQ people. My hope is that in the next election she will have to find other employment.

The following link is to Judy's interview with Rachel Maddow. Rachel also gives a clear explanation of the need for "Hate Crimes" legislation.

1 comment:

  1. I have been noticing that the more absurd comments a prominent person makes, the more attention he or she is likely to get. Just look at Cheney. Of course, the strategy nowadays to eliminate the vulnerable and powerless is to ignore their voices and prop up the voices of the ignorant and hate mongers. It also makes for good ratings for the media. That is also why it's hard to accomplish anything worthy of social justice in institutions like UCF, to name just one.
